From small scale hosting agreements to complex HPC & AI managed services agreements, the atNorth team is dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction. Rely on us to keep your most critical workloads up and running 24÷7÷365. We are proud of our fast-growing customer footprint and provide world class service to help professionals from around the world meet their deadlines and targets as well as making sure they have room to grow.
The Nordic region has been a hot location for the automotive industry to achieve better TCO and to make sure their large workloads are powered by renewable energy. atNorth serves world leaders in the automotive industry that rely on atNorth’s consumable HPC services, managed services, and resilient and smart hosting. The results? Greater security than any public cloud and better TCO for the most demanding simulation workloads and innovations.
atNorth’s services play a great role in the product development of leading aerospace companies that rely on the professionalism of atNorth‘s experts. The Aerospace industry has some of the most demanding workloads for HPC & AI as development of new products and smart solutions accelerates with increased innovation in the industry. atNorth provides clustered solutions, consumable compute capacity and environmentally friendly data center services to the Aerospace industry today.
Leading organizations deploying new ground-breaking workloads in Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Machine Learning have found the atNorth data center services and HPC & AI services to provide the perfect balance between cloud flexibility and on-premise performance and security due to the deep knowledge the atNorth engineering and expert team provides. Fast growing AI, DL and ML workloads have relived their growing pains with a partnership with atNorth that provides organizations the ability to execute and grow.
World leading engineering companies rely on atNorth’s services and professionals to provide them with the ability to run workloads without interruption in a flexible manner. atNorth provides today engineering customers with the base cluster they need to run structural workloads and simulations every day and provides the flexibility to add resources temporarily to address big or small, temporary engineering project workloads to achieve the optimal operational and cost outcome of cluster operations.
Reliability, sustainability and cost efficiency are the drivers behind atNorth‘s services to financial institutions of all sizes, from small and local to one of the largest globally. atNorth provides secure rigid and reliable services to organizations that need high certainty of operational excellence and have audited the atNorth processes to verify they meet the highest standards. From data center space, power and connectivity to full stack compute clusters as a service, atNorth is able to deliver at scale with room to grow.
We provide customers in life science industries the ability to deploy their workloads fast and securely with full certainty of data sovereignty and technical sovereignty to comply with regulations, compliancy or processes. Secure facilities and services matched with cost efficiency and unmatched flexibility has resulted in the trust that life science customers place in our services, solutions and professionals.
Digital product development at scale is a big part of the enterprise group of atNorth customers that can deploy their workloads in atNorth data centers to achieve the world’s lowest TCO for data center operations, unmatched power density and ultimate flexibility with room to grow or on-demand compute clusters ready to be deployed with short or even no notice. We help established, new, innovative and fast growing manufacturing companies to unlock the power of digital product development.
atNorth provides the suitable platforms and solutions for reasearch and scientific workloads that range from being periodic workloads that run only for a few hours on regular basis, to data center services for scientific research clusters. We provide research and scientific organizations with services that we stand by with SLAs that fit the needs of our customers to meet their demand to create results on a predictable and reliable basis as well as project basis where users scale up clusters and scale down to pay only for what they use.