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Advania Data Centers, a high-density computing technology company headquartered in Reykjavik, Iceland, announced today that it had changed its name and will now be known as atNorth. Among the other changes will be its logo, tagline, and domain name to atnorth​.com.

Rebranding is a logical step for us, as we are no longer part of the Advania Group and operating in a different IT sector. Since the de-merger from the Advania Group in 2017, we have been focusing on strengthening the business, working on our technical infrastructure, services, and sales with great results. We have proliferated, built new data centers in Iceland, expanded existing ones, and grown a solid customer base. Now we are building our first data center abroad – in Stockholm, Sweden – and as we are improving the services even further, we think it’s time to introduce atNorth as our new company name” said Mr. Eyjolfur Magnus Kristinsson atNorth’s CEO.

The atNorth brand refers to the company’s Nordic roots, starting in Iceland, the geo-location in the North Atlantic, and the north wind that supplies natural cooling for atNorth’s data centers. It is symbolic for a clear company vision, as the north is one of the four cardinal directions and by many considered the fundamental direction, pointing to the top of the world. Today the Nordic region has a compelling reason to locate high-density workloads; cost for data centers and cooling is optimized whilst using truly green energy to provide unbeatable power efficiency. Offering cost-effective, sustainable data center and infrastructure solutions is critical to the core mission of atNorth’s services to its customers.

We’re delighted with our new name, but in our hearts, we are the same as before. Our customers can rest assured that our passion for first-class services, competitive prices, security and sustainability is intact” Mr. Kristinsson added.