atNorth celebrates expanded relationship with AI scale-up Diabatix

Jan 28, 2022

Ground-breaking generative thermal design pioneer Diabatix has expanded the scope of its strong relationship with atNorth.

The Belgian thermal design software company was founded in 2016 by Lieven Vervecken. Using AI, Diabatix’s unique ColdStream platform allows engineers to accelerate the design process of PC cooling products. It is being used across a wide range of sectors, including automotive, IT and aerospace. 

Before ColdStream was introduced to businesses including Panasonic, engineers could spend weeks or months creating the optimum design for their products. Now, Diabatix’s intuitive software, which can be used on any browser and requires no in-house HPC capacity, has shortened this timeframe considerably. 

atNorth and Diabatix’s relationship began in 2018, when the software company began to make use of atNorth’s HPC capabilities for its research and development (R&D) tasks. Now, the two companies have signed an agreement to triple Diabatix’s HPC capacity and support the entire simulation’s workflow by adding GPU-accelerated pre-and post-processing and storage capacity. 

These new services will allow Diabatix’s R&D team to significantly expedite the internal development process. By relying more heavily on atNorth, the Diabatix R&D experts will be able to develop and test new methods, algorithms and features for company’s generative design platform, ColdStream, in the most efficient way possible. 

The Nordic data center company’s sustainable offering is also helping to drive Diabatix’s commitment to decarbonizing its business. atNorth’s data centers run on renewable energy and the naturally low temperatures at the locations of its centers to cool its hardware, keeping the operations at net zero emissions. 

Lieven Vervecken, CEO of Diabatix, explains: We are very pleased with the uptime, quality and reliability of atNorth’s services. We, and our clients, also appreciate the sustainability of atNorth’s HPC solution, which it offers from its 100% renewable-energy powered data centers in Iceland.” 

Guy D’Hauwers, Vice President of Cloud, High Performance Computing & AI at atNorth, says: We are delighted to have expanded the scope of our relationship with Diabatix and to continue to support the innovative company with its ambitious growth plans as well as its decarbonization commitments.” 

For more information, please contact:

Gísli Kr. Katrínarson 

Chief Commercial Officer – atNorth 

Phone: +354 618 7000 

Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required

About atNorth

From 2009 atNorth has innovated in the data center technology space with their design, construction and operation of world class data center facilities in Iceland and in Sweden. atNorth services leading organizations in diverse industries, enabling them to transform the world’s most demanding data into important business decisions, without compromising speed, performance, or the climate. Through the strategic location of atNorth’s data center facilities in the Nordic region, combined with a high-performance infrastructure, the most efficient and cost-optimized solution to calculate, simulate, train and visualize data can be achieved, regardless of workload. All the company’s services are architected to provide circular economy principles for the data center industry where renewable energy combined with unparalleled energy efficiency are fundamental principles. For more information, visit atNorth​.com or follow atNorth on LinkedIn.

About Diabatix

Diabatix is a Belgian SaaS company that specializes in generative thermal design and its customer base is comprised of Silicon Valley tech firms and global automotive companies. It was founded in 2016 and has grown to a team of 15 highly skilled engineers, most of whom hold a PhD. Sitting at the forefront of the newest developments in topology optimization, generative design and machine learning, Diabatix has developed a software that can create an optimized thermal design from scratch. 

Diabatix offers an easy-to-use online generative design platform called ColdStream®. It enables engineers and designers to push the boundaries of thermal management through generative design. They simply frame the problem and let the platform provide an optimized solution rapidly. 

HPC High Performance Computing Nordics

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